Cheesecake ideas – Bake With Yen

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Cheesecake ideas

Posted by Hello BWY on

With Burnt Cheesecake taking the internet by storm, many of you start to love cheesecake.

Here are 5 cheesecake recipesi which are easy to bake & tasty as well!

1. Salted Caramel & Pecan Cheesecake

Salted Caramel Pecan Cheesecake

*Salted Caramel sauce just make the whole cake be extra delicious.

2. Orea Cheesecake

oreo cheesecake

*All time favourite !

3. Lemon Cheesecake

Lemon Cheesecake

*Fresh & Juicy lemon create a great aroma for the cheesecake

4. Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake

Chocolate mousse cheesecake

*Perfect chocolate indulgent 


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